Commercial, Residential, Agricultural
& Amenity Planning Services

Planning Applications

I regularly prepare planning applications in respect of residential and commercial extensions and new build. With a background in agriculture, land management and farm diversification, I also have considerable experience in putting together planning applications for land-based schemes including farm buildings, farm diversification projects, ponds, stables, sand schools, caravan and camping sites.

Pre-Application Advice

As a planning consultant I normally expect to provide fair and balanced planning advice on the merits of any planning proposal. However, there are times when it can be useful to take informal advice from Planning Officers, in order to check how best to proceed and exactly what supporting evidence will be required for the local planning authority to look upon a proposal favourably. Consequently, I find myself submitting an increasing number of requests for pre-application advice due to the growing complexity in local authority requirements before applications will be registered.

Enterprise Assessments

Some planning applications, for example those seeking living accommodation for a rural worker, will need to be supported with an independent appraisal confirming an essential need for a worker to live on site. For the last 30 years, I have been providing this type of report on sites throughout the south of England. The assessments that I prepare can also be submitted in connection with a proposed change of use of land and buildings, either to demonstrate that the existing use is no longer financially viable, or that better use could be made of the assets.

Planning Appeals

Sometimes planning applications are refused locally, and it becomes necessary to consider whether it is worthwhile submitting an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate in the hope that an independent Inspector will overturn the decision of the local planning authority.

I have considerable experience of submitting planning appeals through written representations, informal hearings and public inquiries. However, if the local planning authority has issued a refusal based on the proposed development not being in accordance with local and national planning policy, then it can often prove more effective to accept the refusal and re-draft the planning application with a view to achieving a satisfactory outcome at a local level.

30 Years’ experience in
planning consultancy

Permitted Development Rights

Central Government has increased the number and type of permitted development rights in recent years. These allow for the extension of houses and the re-use of some commercial and agricultural buildings, without requiring a full planning consent. It is important for all property owners to explore what permitted development rights might be available to them, in order to maximise the value of their property assets.

In recent years, I have been highly successful in securing Class Q and Class R conversion rights on agricultural buildings. I have also advised clients how best to achieve extensions to their residential properties, and developments within residential gardens.

Certificates of Lawful Use

Planning law is unusual, in that if a building exists or is used for an unlawful purpose for more than four or ten years, then the development or use can become lawful through the passage of time. Such applications need to be fully evidenced, and this normally requires Statutory Declarations from those who have first-hand knowledge of the site, together with aerial photographs and any other ‘evidence’ that we might be able to find. I have considerable experience of preparing and submitting these applications, with a high success rate.

Planning Contravention Notices

Planning Contravention Notices (PCNs) are sent to landowners or occupiers by the local authority where they believe there has been a breach of planning, either through unlawful development or an unauthorised use. The completed PCN needs to be returned within strict timescales, and it is essential that all answers are constructed very carefully. Consequently, early consultation with a planning consultant is essential. Early agreement is required on exactly what you are trying to achieve and what evidence it is safe to give the council.

Enforcement Issues

Following the return of the PCN, the local planning authority might decide that it is in the public interest for them to issue an Enforcement Notice requiring cessation of the unlawful development and/or activities. Enforcement Notices can be appealed on certain specified grounds. Considerable care needs to be taken in presenting your case in the best light. I have experience of challenging Enforcement Notices through informal hearings, although more usually they are considered through a full Public Inquiry.

Drawing & Plans

Drawings and plans will be required by the local planning authority in support of all applications, largely for the application site to be identified. Drawings will also be required to show the scale and nature of the proposed development. I am able to generate location, site and block plans from current Ordnance Survey data. I can also produce measured surveys (floor plans and elevations) of existing structures, together with scale drawings showing proposed developments. While we do not prepare full architectural style designs, we regularly prepare drawings suitable to accompany planning applications.

Land Registry Applications

Having access to up-to-date Ordnance Survey data means that I am able to produce Land Registry compliant plans, suitable for first registration or the sub-division of plots. In recent years, I have assisted landowners in lodging applications to the Land Registry for first registration of land. I can also provide scaled plans for submission by your legal advisers.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes can be highly contentious and costly to resolve. Ideally, they should be avoided if at all possible. However, where disagreements exist, I am able to provide impartial guidance based on current and historic Ordnance Survey plans together with aerial photographs and any other evidence that can be found to evidence the correct position of your boundaries.